ReadyTemp® systems solve a number of hot water circulation problems


Passive Flow Control causes a number of Hot Water Circulator problems on systems which utilize the cold water line as the return line.  The below illustrations depict how check valves, thermostatic valves / sensor valves and thermostatic elements are designed to easily allow flow in one direction (hot line to cold line) while preventing flow in the opposite direction (cold line to hot line).


Thermostatic valves remain OPEN anytime water contacting them is less than 95F

water easily siphones out of hot water line when valve is in default OPEN position

Opening a cold water faucet or watering your lawn instantly drops the water pressure throughout the cold water pipes. The higher pressure in the hot water line forces water past check valves and "normally open" thermostatic valves mixing with cooler/ambient water exiting out the open cold tap. Hot water line siphoning is costly and inefficient because any water siphoned from the hot water line is equally replaced with very cold city water entering your water heater.  Thereby, repeatedly placing additional demand on the water heater and your wallet as well as shortening the water heaters lifecycle.  Hot water siphoning also leads to frustrated homeowners who now find themselves wasting water waiting for cold water.  For many consumers avoiding family member frustrations along with being presented with an opportunity to minimize monthly utility bills more than justifies investing in hot water circulation technology that's clearly more efficient.

Water siphons past check valve when using cold water a common cause of competitor hot water circulator problems





Comfort valve hot water circulators utilize a pump installed at the water heater connected to the hot water supply pipe. Thermostatic comfort valves or sensor valves install under sinks connecting the homes hot and cold water lines together. Material within these valves expand and contract (open / close) depending on the temperature of the water contacting the valve. These "normally open" thermostatic valves close when 95F degree water contacts the valve, preventing hot water from entering the cold water lines.  This being true also means anytime less than 95F degree water contacts the valve the valve will be open. Any use of cold water, i.e. toilet flushing, watering lawn, etc. drops the water pressure in the cold water lines but, not the hot water lines. The higher pressure in the hot water line force's water to siphon through open thermostatic valves and into the cold water line even though you intended to only use cold water. Until 95F degree water from the water heater reaches and closes the valve the homeowner is left waiting for cold water. It's important to remember that any amount of water siphoned into the cold water line is instantly replaced at the water heater with very cold city water.  Thus, repeatedly placing significant needless additional demand on your water heater when using cold water. 

ReadyTemp® silent hot water solenoid solves this hot water circulator problem





ReadyTemp® solenoid is compared to thermostatic valve flaws  which cause hot water circulation problem